June 2, 2009

The Day the Internet Stood Still

Apparently the internet and some electrical outlets were down today when I arrived at school. Every teacher between the entrance and my room made sure to tell me and ask if I knew how to fix it. Unfortunately, I had no idea, this was way out of my league. It made for a fun time because without the internet working correctly and our network being down, teachers couldn't print or check their e-mail etc. I was able to get my classroom working correctly minus the internet, luckily. I was worried that some of my activities would not work with the network down, seeing as I use 4 temporary servers to run Reading and Math Blaster, but they ran flawlessly. It was a mixed blessing when they did finally fix the internet during my last class and all of the computers started to freak out because their IP address was changing while connected to my computer for an activity. It made for a fun discussion with my third graders about the multiple Ethernet cables running throughout the room.

We started receiving our closeout procedure forms today, I am excited and sad to see my first year come and go. I will be happy to say that I am no longer a first year teacher. I just found out that the last two days of school I will not have any classes which will be great, though I anticipate having to do odd jobs to help the admins close the school.

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