April 16, 2009

Who knew?

This week is going much smoother than I had anticipated, especially following spring break. My classes have been great and the best part is that the week is already almost over. I wish I could get more done with the time I have each day though. I usually have a close eye on the time and have the kids ready to go promptly at the end of class(regardless if the teachers are actually there to pick up their class). But the past two days I have been so caught up with what we are working on and helping the kids that when I look up I see the teacher floating around the room as kids want to share what they are doing. I have begun using some new software called Reading Blaster and Math Blaster. I was fortunate enough to purchase unlimited network licenses though without a local server I have been forced to create 4 temporary mapped network drives using some of the student workstations in my classroom. The upswing is that I can install the program on any computer connected to the network. If anyone knows an easy setup with Samba to create a file server please share as I am currently researching open source alternatives after finding out that Microsoft would cost WAY too much. My hope is to eventually allow the students to work on these programs in the few classrooms that have computers as well as in my classroom.

The software itself is fantastic I highly recommend them. They are able to keep track of each students' mastery in the given exercises and adapts to become more difficult as the students get better. Best of all the students love the themes of the games which take the students on an undersea scuba adventure and a trip to a far a way planet to visit the intergalactic zoo. Each student gets to login with their username so that I can keep an accurate record of what games they are playing and how well they are performing. Each game correlates to various math and language arts skills. I was pleasantly surprised when even some of my stubborn 2nd graders dove right in and didn't say that they thought it was too kiddy. I was worried because they can be a tough read when it comes to providing programs that they identify with. Tomorrows class should be the true test as many of them can be very stubborn about trying the activities that I provide as part of a lesson. I have found that I really have to sell it with some major sales pitch but even then they have a hard time staying on task.

I was talking to one of the first grade teachers about her field trip today and she was telling me that I should be proud of myself. I inquired why and she explained that apparently while her class was on a field trip to the Nation Zoo in Washington D.C. all they could keep talking about was how they were going to have Technology Class the following day. That started my day off with a huge smile!

My to do list seems to keep growing despite me trying hard to cut it down. I need to do some major cleaning in my room since apparently my room is not included in daily, weekly, or monthly maintenance plans. I purchased a dust buster to try and combat the massive dust bunnies accumulating in the corners of my room. I have managed to keep the workstations incredibly clean and free of dust, but the floor is starting to make me mad. It has not been cleaned since the start of the school year, other than me using my swiffer vac and hand scrubbings. Aside from the cleaning I have the usual requests to help teachers with various tech issues and several surveys to fill out. If there is one thing Baltimore City likes it would have to be surveys. I have never filled out so many of these things in my life.

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